Thursday, July 2, 2020

7/1/20 and 7/2/20

Stillllll gotta catch up, I am so behind. Might as well start now!

So July 2020 album starting now.

7/1/20 my darling and beautiful Tegan! So smart, she just figures everything out on her own when she wants to; and she taught herself how to braid (in June) and is now expert at it! She does her own beautiful braided hairstyles everyday and also loves to braid her baby sister’s hair! Love her so! 💗 she is so cute also with her sunglasses she got to pick out at the dollar store!

Cute, little, handsome Liam! 💙

Jojo being precious and also she knew that this is a drawing of Mama and Papa! Liam did this—-sooo cute and special! 💙💜

Then Tegan wanted to change her outfit and give her braids, so she did! Then they all had fun playing on the computer. So fun!

Little Mommy Jojo with her baby dolls, just precious! 💜


Layney loves his bears! Both little boys do! So cute how they really love them lately! 💙💚

Liam with his Come and Take It shirt, so cute; then he went and dressed up scary and put on his paper plate mask; they love to make those!

Scarlett and her watermelon 🍉 lol! She wanted one, and I bought a big one, and no one but her wanted it, so she was stuck eating it all each day! 😂❤️

Tegee on her tablet, Layney drawing Charlie from “Charlie’s Colorform City,” and then being a pink puppy—he is sooo cute and fun, so imaginative, always dressing up! 💚

Cute baby Jojo, so happy! 💜 sooo precious and adorable!

Then sooo cute, they all had a surprise American flag sugar cookie for 4th of July, and they were so excited! Scarlett was low-key, though, of course! Jojo as usual, “Me! Me! Me!” She never misses out on anything! 💜

Then we hung out with our dear friends Marcus and RJ, went to dinner, then to their beautiful bird shop; and got to play with the beautiful birds! I got to hold gorgeous Monkey, and I was intimidated because I never have held a bird before, but he was a sweetheart! Mckay held him too! Cute pics of RJ and Marcus with their birdies! 💙💙 🐦 So much fun!
Sleeping angel baby Jojo when we got home 💜

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