Tuesday, July 7, 2020

7/6/20 and 7/7/20


Cute, little Tegan eating her cereal sooo cute! Everything she does is always cute and bright! 💗 Mommy and her Boy💙 Cute, baby Jojo💜 

My little ones-ESPECIALLY Layney, lovvvvves this cool, orange spinner they had that was sweetly given to them by their Mimi, two years ago when she was last here, and it lasted through many spinning adventures, but was cracked and broken a few months ago. I found a new one on Amazon, the name of it is Bilibo, and I think it’s made in Switzerland. It was almost $40, but I saved it in my shopping cart for awhile and watched the price and when it went down to $30, I snatched it up! I was able to choose color, so got this pretty blue. They were sooooo ecstatic and surprised to have a new spinner! Layney just spins and spins many times throughout the day! He has perfected his technique and can spin incredibly fast by completely tucking his tiny body! He always is so fun to watch! Liam and Tegan love it also, and Jojo really enjoys trying, and soon she will be able to spin fast!  


My beautiful Scarlett and her gorgeous Dutch braids! She has learned and perfected the art of Dutch braids over the summer! Her hair is sooooo thick and silky, she has the perfect hair for it! One of her braids is thicker than all my hair! Tegan has really fine hair, even finer than mine-just like her Mama House! Scarlett does such a beautiful job! She pretty much was inspired to learn an advanced braid when her little sister effortlessly became awesome at regular braids! ❤️💗 

My little boys, still such sweet babies, wanted to watch “Baby Mozart Numbers Nursery!” 💙💚 They still love Baby Mozart movies, and I just love it! Of course Jojo loves it too! Tegan is such a little teenager at heart, lol, and she thinks it’s babyish! 

Cute babies enjoying Mommy’s cookies! Darling, napping Layney, and his gorgeous, little lips💚; and sweet, napping liam; cute, little Jojo, who lately just LOVES her paci’s! She loved them in the NICU and for her first couple months at home; but once she discovered her fingers; she discarded her paci’s. She still loves her little fingers, but also loves her paci’s! She pronounces it so cute: “pah-see!” She was happily watching her toddler show! 💜 

Darling little Tegan and baby Rose, bonding and having a blast spending the night at Mama and Papa’s house! Sooo sweet! 💗💗 

Cute, little brothers, and best friends! 💙💚